Recent Additions: (Search these below [Control/F] for more) iPad users – open Safari, do a search in the address line (where web address is) at the bottom of the results, search this page.
MANY English Versions of the Bible (Change the end of the link)
EasySlide.com – Like EasyWorship that allows moveable backgrounds and it’s FREE! Make Google Books COPYABLE – converts them using OCR. It makes PDF’s Copyable. Fill out PDF Forms with Sejda … build a quick website Blogger.com
Type INTO a PDF – https://www.pdfescape.com
Many English Versions of The Bible. Just Change the end on the address line from John 3.16 to your preferred verse i.e. – Gal 2.20.
Welcome to Ministry Helps. The links below are to help you navigate the best of the Internet. God bless, HEC
Helps and Hints – For PC users, use your search key (Control/F), type in items of interest to search on this page…
HEC’s Pick Means one of the better sites!
In a hurry, look for my Pick!

Sermon Helps
BlueLetterBible It’s Great! From here, study Commentaries and other Study Tools. Tap into the original language and much more. Blue Letter Bile is great!
Bible-Research Great programs and other resources for the Bible.
Biblos.com is great.
This is an example of a paragraph style Bible (look on the left for various language options) from The Online Parallel Bible Project.
Parallel Bible including the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas
7 Steps of Bible Study Preparation by Michael Kelley
How to Read and Study the Bible by George H. Guthrie
Tools to Help Bring Depth to Your Bible Study by Michael Kelley
Make a Habit of Spending Time with God by Carol Smith
The Pause App – Check it out!
Use Bible Gateway for various languages and versions Bible Gateway
While in Bulgaria, I used the Bulgarian Bible.
The Message (This is a paraphrase by Eugene Peterson)
Last Day Ministries Index of Articles (Great information on: Abortion, Creation & Evolution, Witnessing, Homosexuality and much more.)
Sermon Central Select sermons in OT, NT or by Topics. It’s great!
See also SermoM Central.
The Lectionary. The Lectionary as a tool for preaching and teaching in the Church.
Items Below: Answers for ministers concerning preaching.
Why should expositional preaching include biblical theology?
What is an “expositional” sermon?
What do people wrongly assume expositional preaching is?
How does expositional preaching differ from other kinds of preaching?
Why doesn’t expositional preaching require a verse-by-verse approach?
Should expositional sermons be evangelistic?
Why don’t people like expositional preaching?
What should a pastor do whose people don’t like expositional preaching? (And much more!)
More from 9Mark Documents and Videos on Preaching
- Read the 22 page PDF from Elmer Towns – Successful Lesson Preparation
- Read the 200 page PDF from Elmer Towns – Year Round Book on Sermon Ideas
- Read the 24 page PDF from Art Kohl – The Art and Science of Preaching (Notice much more on the side-bar.)
- Read the 40 page PDF – The Presentation of HOMILETICS OR PREPARING MESSAGES, SERMONS, AND BIBLE STUDIES by Dr. Edward Watke Jr.
- Read the 21 page PDF – REDISCOVERING EXPOSITORY PREACHING by Richard L. Mayhue
- Read the 160 page PDF – The STRATEGY of PREACHING A Handy Guide for Sermon Preparation by W. Max Alderman
- You may want to skim the 1877 Yale textbook on preaching, Nine Lectures on Preaching by Robert William Dale. Free on Google Books.
- Constant Change: Where Preaching Has Been In The Last 20 Years and Where It Is Going by Rick Ezell (6 pages) or the printer friendly version
- YouTube Video – The Art of Preaching – Homiletics by Pastor Lloyd Hall
- Homiletics (The Art of Preaching and Teaching) Course taught by: Pastor Vincent Sawyer – (Click Next Chapter, the Table of Contents does not work)
- For MANY more, visit – http://www.wordexplorer.com/Preaching-Homiletics
Sacred Hermeneutics (PDF Download)
Hermeneutics, Gene Taylor (PDF Download) My Homiletic Swimming Pool, Timothy Tow (PDF Download) Exegetical Fallacies – Common Mistakes Every Student of the Bible Must Avoid (PDF Download) (From http://ntslibrary.com/hermeneutics-homiletics-books.htm) For full courses, FREE, use iTunes U. Download iTunes Free! Download the iTunes U App Free! The iTunes U app gives you access to complete courses from leading universities and other schools — plus the world’s largest digital catalog of free education content — right on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. You can also use it on your PC if you feel Apple is causing you to turn to the dark side. 🙂 Once downloaded and installed, from the iTunes program, search iTunes U for courses. (See icon on the right top part of your screen.) Search – Preaching Preaching Christ in a Postmodern World by Dr. Edmund P. Clowney and Dr. Timothy J. Keller To listen to an audio podcast, mouse over the title and click Play. Open iTunes to download and subscribe to iTunes U collections. (This contains 35 sessions.) On the right side of the iTunes U screen, choose the category – Religion. MANY offerings. You may also search by colleges & universities. iTunes U dropdown screen, Universities & Colleges. Choose Liberty University. Here are a FEW others.
- Crises Counseling
- Church Planting
- The Gospel of John
- Marriage Coaching
- Theology of the Family
- Nonprofit Management
- Strategies for End-Life-Care
- NT Preaching-Lab-1
- Operations Management
- Systems Management – Leadership
- Vision – Strategic Planning
- IS Project Management
- Premarital Marital Counseling
- Desktop Publishing
- Chaplaincy Ministry
- Resilient – Marriage and Family
- Chaplaincy and Pastoral Ministries
- Hermeneutics
- Introduction to Writing & Research
… Preaching Magazine from Preaching.com
500 Preaching Resources By David Murray
Expository Preaching Expository Preaching in a Postmodern World by John F. MacArthur, Jr.
See 1995 Conference for Pastors.
This is a great “how to” in constructing a sermon. Much of this some 40-page lesson comes directly from the book, “A Manual on Homiletics for Bible Students” written by James Braga (Multnomah Press, Portland, OR). Homiletics – Sermon and Bible Study Preparation.pdf – How can you better prepare a Bible Study for your class? How do people prepare sermons? Here is material such as one would receive in a Bible College on the subject of homiletics… Or sermon preparation. This could be a help to any serious Bible student, it will even help you to better understand all your pastor does to prepare and it will give you insight in how to better support him and prayer for him as well.
DesperatePreacher.Com for Sermon Helps
Preaching Magazine & American Academy of Ministry
HEC-Preaching-files (Some 1,200 pages of notes)
Want to learn Greek? Try Elaine Woodward & Marianne Pagos
Great site for various versions – Greek, Hebrew, LXX, Various languages from Unbound
Greek-English / English-Greek dictionaries
English-Hebrew Dictionary from Babylon.com
English-Greek Dictionary from Babylon.com
Parsed Verbs and Declined Nouns understanding Codes.
Bible Desk with many offerings. Union Church Sermon Resources – A good supply and many listed by books of the Bible, Holidays and topics.
Summary of the Bible
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library – A large repository of Christian texts. Somewhat cumbersome to navigate.
Theological Libraries Graduate Theological Union: Flora Lamson Hewlett Library Harvard Divinity School: Andover-Harvard Theological Library The Library of Congress
WorldCat – is the world’s largest network of library content and services.
Religion-Online.Org/ More than 6,000 articles and chapters. Topics include Old and New Testament, Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies, Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics, Worship, Missions and Religious Education.
Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology – Searchable database for this reference work.
Issues in Hermeneutics – by Herman Hanko of Reformed Protestant Seminary, good overview of issues.
The Hermeneutics Quiz from – BuildingChurchLeaders.com
Articles, Videos and More from – ChurchLeaders.com
Synopsis of the Bible – John Nelson Darby’s classic work. A survey of the entire Bible.
Bibles that include: MANY VERSIONS. New International Version; New American Standard Bible; The Message; Amplified Bible; New Living Translation; King James Version; New Life Version; English Standard Version; Contemporary English Version; New King James Version; 21st Century King James Version; American Standard Version; Worldwide English (New Testament); Young’s Literal Translation; Darby Translation; Wycliffe New Testament.
Various sites showing for differing versions compare. EvangelicalBible.com. AnchorYourLife.com. Dave’s.
Choosing a Bible: Understanding Bible Translation Differences By Leland Ryken. Clinton Arnold.
ESermons – Check out the samples
True Vine Online – Bible Study Helps
More Bible Helps Links
Bibles.Net – Bible Study Tools
Teach With Movies – Use videos or DVDs in a teaching setting
Discovery Series Booklets A Topical List, from another source.
PreceptAustin.org has MANY other offers as well.
Material by John Courson.
The Four Gospels Parallels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) This is great for comparing the synoptic gospels.
The Five Gospels Parallels (Thomas is added as a Gospel)
Sermon Illustrator – Need an illustration? Give it time to load.
Bartlett – More quotes
Bible – KJV Just select the desired version. This is from the Bible Gateway. Other versions are available.
Sermons – By Mark Hardgrove
The Matthew Henry and other great tools can be found in Bible Study Tools
Hitchcock’s Bible Names – To find what the Bible name means.
Study the origins of words with “Word Nik.”
More Dictionaries (The English Dictionary) – Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Hitchcock’s Bible Names Dictionary, King James Dictionary, Smith’s Bible Dictionary.
Encyclopedias, Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
History B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini), Today in Christian History
The Executable Outlines Series
The Journal of Public Theology
Sermons & Sermon Lectionary Resources
Sermons, Stories, & Illustrations
Greek/Hebrew Interlinear Bible: from Bible Study Tools.
Bible Places – A Great site operated by Prof. Todd Bohlen of The Master’s College IBEX Department. A great source for Bible location photographs and materials. These are undoubtedly the best digital photographs of site locations and geographic features of Israel and other Bible-related locations.
Biblical Hermeneutics – Some good articles and links to be found here.
Philologos Online Religious Books – Several full-text publications and popular public domain authors. Cutting edge e-book service. Try Sermon Index for Text or MP3
Learn out Loud – Has MANY free MP3s for consideration. Don’t forget to hit the “free stuff” tab for more.
Via iTunes – Gordon Conwell Chapel services.
Free eBooks! From gutenberg.org.
More free eBooks from eBooksRead.com
Books from Watchman Nee (Another link) (Yet another link)
More Sermon Helps
Ray C. Stedman Sermons and more.
Assemblies of God Positional Papers Issues on various subjects (alcohol, women in ministry, etc.) UPC [Jesus Only] has the same thing.
Research Papers From Focus on the Family About: Abortion, BioEthics, Education, Euthanasia, Gambling, Homosexuality, Internet, Liberty, Marriage, Sex Education.
How to Pray an Hour – adapted by Dr. H. E. Cardin.
Messages by David Wilkerson
Duke University Chapel Sermons by The Rev. Dr. William H. Willimon. Hit the “Sermon” button.
Bill Bright (Prayer & Fasting)
Matthew Henry Commentaries A classic.
The John MacArthur Collection (Sermons)
Revival Sermons of Jonathan Edwards
Learning Resources – Online Library (Berean University)
More Spurgeon
Sermons on Several Occasions by John Wesley
Selected Works of Martin Luther 1483 – 1546
Bible Studies from Xenos
Listen to Sermons in Real Audio, TV, etc.
SermonAudio is excellent. It has a LARGE list of sermons that may be easily downloaded or simply listen from the Internet.
ChristianAudio is great. It has a LARGE list of books that may be easily downloaded or simply listen from the Internet.
Ron Hutchcraft’s “A Word With You”
Free E-Books from Ron Hutchcraft
Tony Campolo Sermons
Audio Sermons from Living Waters
Go to SermonSpice for clips that can be used in service. Check out the – “Me Church” – it will give you a good laugh. Sermon Spice is great for video Clips.
Another source for clips – Worship House Media
(Make sure you have the latest “Real Player” downloaded.)
Hotworship.com as well.
A different version of clips that are available – WingClips
Bing.com is great for videos, but beware of bad videos.
Steaming Faith – TV Ministries and more. You can watch and listen.
One Place Ministries. This is a large list of ministries that you can listen to.
Mark Matheson from 300 North Main Street, Windermere, FL 34786 USA
Maranatha Chapel Peninsula Bible Church of Palo Alto, CA
Need TV clips or shows?
Try Hulu.com
Also, try TV.Com
Download the newest G2 Real Audio & Video for yourself.
The Audio Bible – listen to it by RealAudio, chapter by chapter.
Listen to some great workshops in Real Audio:
John Maxwell’s Leadership Now
Listen to sermons from Tony Evans from Dallas, TX.
Listen to sermons from David Jeremiah from Turning Point
Listen to sermons from Ravi Zacharias
MP3 Sermons
The KJV Bible on MP3
Here is another KJV Bible in MP3
Various version in the MP3 format may be found at the Audio Treasure
The New Testament Bible on MP3. It’s in the NIV translation and it’s read by award winner Stephen Johnston.
Power Point Help
This is a simple Power Point (PPT) lesson I created to help someone better understand Power Point.
TemplatesWise.com – Take your PowerPoint presentation to the next level with these vibrant collections of free templates that are guaranteed to impress.
Free PowerPoint Templates – From FlashDemo.net More free printable templates – http://www.freeprintable.net/
If you do not have Power Point but want to view PPT files, download a viewer from MicroSoft.
Need a big poster? Try Block Posters Upload a picture, then it prints in sections.
PowerBacks.net – Free Power Point templates and Jpeg backgrounds.
Free PPT Templates
Free PPT Templates from Brainy Betty
More – Free PPT Templates.
Consider these GREAT Power Point Slides for Sermons from Power Point Sermons.
Power Point Backgrounds from Heartlight
Church History and Early Christian Documents
Chronology of Christianity (1AD-Present) [Catholic]
Bible History Online – an amazing free online resource where you can research ancient documents, archaeology,church history and languages, maps and geography, museums and world history, enjoy images from the past, along with quotes, fun facts and humor, find an extensive list of commentaries and reference works on the Web, and more.
Excellent Map of conquering kingdoms since 3,000 BC.
Guide to Early Church Documents Old Writings.
Resources for Biblical Studies – (Qumran texts, Josephus, Learning Greek, Libraries, the Synoptic Gospels, to name a few.)
Sermons from Fathers of the Church like St. Augustine and St. John Crysostom
Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) – Classic Christian books in electronic format (St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274); St. Augustine (354-430); Edward M. Bounds (1835-1913); John Bunyan (1628-1688); Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758); and many more.)
An Autobiography or, The Memoirs Charles G. Finney 1792-1875 He shares in interesting account of a woman “in a fainting fit” and “could not speak.” It continues, “After lying in a speechless state about sixteen hours, Miss G’s mouth was opened, and a new song was given her.”
The Works of James Arminius
Interesting Web Sites
Items concerning the tribulation.
Other Languages
Many Multilingual Translators. Try it.
Try Free Translation
The Bible Gateway in these languages: German, Swedish, Latin, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Tagalog, and Norwegian.
Need to learn a new language? Try – Live Mocha.
Learn Hebrew & Greek. Like Elementary Greek and the Hebrew Tutorial.
Here is another Greek tutorial.
Basics of Biblical Greek by Dr William D. Mounce
The Greek Online Bible – It uses the font Symbols on your computer. Also, download the complete Greek New Testament called: GNT.zip
The Greek Bible with Grammar marks Great if you need to parse the verbs or decline the nouns.
Translate text from English to Greek
Greek Interlinear Bible (NT) – in PDF
Little Greek – resources on Greek, including an online New Testament Greek tutorial and sound clips so you can check your pronunciation.
Enchiridion – A User friendly Guide for reading Ancient Greek.
Septuagint Rahlfs’ version, HTML (based on U Penn, Unicode font format, TITUS)
Resources for New Testament Studies
New Testament Greek for Beginners by J. Gresham Machen
Learn Ancient Greek. A User friendly Guide for reading Ancient Greek.
Greek Grammar. Much helpful information about Greek fonts, lexica, and grammar courses.
Information on reaching MANY People Groups such as Cambodian, Filipino, Hispanic, Korean, Laotian, Russian, French Canadian, German, Greek Americans, Haitian American, Jewish Americans, Russian Americans and more.
Einführung in den Gebrauch des Gateways – This is the Bible in German.
Translate phrases to/from English It’s great!
Korean Bible (It will ask you to install the Korean Language Pack.)
Office XP Tool: Korean Language Pack
Office XP Tool: Korean Language Pack by Microsoft
To Download the Korean Language Pack
You may need to download Cyrillic fonts for Windows
Nuestro Pan Diario – Daily Bread in Spanish
If you have a devotion from the Daily Bread, you can match it in Spanish – January 2003 to current by looking at the archives.
Sermon Central Select sermons in OT, NT or by Topics. It’s great! Search in Spanish.
Translate phrases to/from English It’s great! (En otras palabras es grande!)
Systran link to translate online phrases to/from English Put text in the box, choose English to Spanish, then hit translate.
Free Translation Put text in the box to be translated.
See the Creation Story in Spanish
Download e-Sword – The Reina Valera Version, 1602 (Spanish) is also available
Spanish Language Gospel Resources
Spanish Enrichment Journal Articles Online from AG – Revista de enriquecimiento en Español
Libros Christianos en Espanol!
Church Planting material with a Spanish (Hispanic) focus.
SermonCentral in Spanish
Material in Spanish from Intro Thy Word
Holy Bible Translations
Holy Bible – English – American Standard Version (PDF)
Holy Bible – French – French Darby Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Korean – Korean Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Russian – Russian Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Vietnamese -Vietnamese Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Albanian – Albanian Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Chinese – Chinese Union Traditional Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – German – German Luther Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Portuguese – Portuguese Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Ukranian – Ukranian Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Italian – Italian Translation (PDF)
Holy Bible – Spanish – Spanish Reina Valera Translation (PDF)
(From http://ntslibrary.com/Bibles-Language-Translations-PDF-Books.htm)
Devotional/Bible Study
BlueLetterBible It’s Great! From here, study Commentaries and other Study Tools. Tap into the original language and much more.
Bible Research Great programs and other resources for the Bible.
Use Bible Gateway for various languages and versions Bible Gateway
The Message (A paraphrase from Eugene Peterson)
Discovery Series Booklets A Topical List
I also really enjoy – Robert Jamieson, A. R. Fausset and David Brown Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (1871)
Also, the same but at a different site – JFB
J B PHILLIPS Translation of the NEW TESTAMENT (This is not a dynamic translation but a paraphrase.)
Last Day Ministries Index of Articles (Great information on: Abortion, Creation & Evolution, Witnessing, Homosexuality and much more.)
Bible Texts Online Bible Commentary – An interesting online commentary linking passages to web sites. Color selection for fonts is poor
Great site for various versions – Greek, Hebrew, LXX, Various languages from Unbound
Parsed Verbs and Declined Nouns understanding Codes.
Bible Desk with many offerings.
Radio Bible Class offers great devotional helps like Our Daily Bread and Oswald Chambers’ My Utmost for His Highest. In Daily Bread, do a Search. Just Type in the box below “Enter keyword or phrase.”
Daily Bread allows you to search past issues. (Type in box under “search” for offerings.)
Use the Andy Griffith Show to teach and share Biblical truths.. The Daily News Update from Charisma magazine (Monday, June 7, 1999 Vol. 1 No. 70) had the following: ‘THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW IS BASIS FOR BIBLE STUDY CLASS Two men from Alabama hope that Americans who miss Sheriff Andy Taylor, Aunt Bee and Barney Fife will return to church to find their wholesome family values. “Finding the Way Back to Mayberry” is a Bible study class developed by Joey Fann, 33, and Brad Grasham, 38, members of the Twickenham Church of Christ in Huntsville, Ala. Fann, an engineer, said that while in college he began to see a deeper meaning in the TV show, which was popular in the 1960s and is currently seen by thousands every week in re-runs. He discovered that some episodes of the 30-minute situation comedy highlight good Christian moral values that everyone can appreciate. According to the Associated Press, Fann and Grasham asked their minister to select several episodes for a class, then found related Bible passages to pull out lessons. About 20 people attended the first class. Within weeks, Sunday night attendance grew to more than 200, Fann said.
I Love Lucy Bible Study – a series of studies/group discussions based on lessons learned from the classic television series designed to get kids back into group study in a fun way.
Bible Gateway Here, You can choose many languages and versions to choose from for a Bible on the Web!
True Vine Online – Bible Study Helps
Great site for various versions – Greek, Hebrew, LXX, Various languages from Unbound
Parsed Verbs and Declined Nouns understanding Codes.
Summary of the Bible
Bibles.Net – Bible Study Tools
Dictionaries – Baker’s Evangelical dictionary of Biblical Theology; Easton’s Bible Dictionary; Hitchcock’s Bible Names Dictionary; Jack Van Impe’s Dictionary of Prophecy Terms; King James Dictionary; Smith’s Bible Dictionary
Commentaries – John Darby’s Synopsis of the New Testament; The Fourfold Gospel; Geneva Study Bible; John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible; Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible; Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible; People’s New Testament; Robertson’s Word Pictures of the New Testament; Scofield Reference Notes; The Treasury of David by Charles H. Spurgeon; Wesley’ Explanatory Notes.
More Bible Study Helps – John S. C. Abbott and Jacob Abbott Illustrated New Testament, James Burton Coffman’s Commentaries: New Testament, John Darby’s Synopsis of the New Testament, John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible, Geneva Study Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, Matthew Henry Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible, J. W. McGarvey’s Original Commentary on Acts, People’s New Testament, Robertson’s Word Pictures of the New Testament, Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition), The Fourfold Gospel, The Treasury of David, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Wesley’s Explanatory Notes.
The New Testament Greek Lexicon
The Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon
Lexicon – Old/New Testament Greek and Old Testament Hebrew
Scofield Reference Notes (1917 Edition)
Writings of the Early Church Fathers
How To Study A Bible Character
Character Studies – Zacchaeus, The Penitent Thief, Simon Peter, The Roman Centurion
Women of Character Bible Studies
Thirteen Bible Characters Studies – Their LIVES and Their PROBLEMS
Character Bible Studies – The Twelve Disciples
Character Studies by Robert Stone
The Four Gospels Parallels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.)
The Five Gospels Parallels (Thomas is added as a Gospel)
A Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet
World Wide Study Bible you can even listen as Audio Bible
Web Resources from Harvard Divinity School
Online Bibles and Commentaries on Bible Versions
The Bible Gateway With versions and word search.
The Greek Online Bible – It uses the font Symbols on your computer. Also, download the complete Greek New Testament called: GNT.zip
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Pentecostal Charismatic Theological Inquiry International
Other Magazines from the Strang Ministry Group
Cult Awareness & Information Centre – Australia
CARM – a ministry that gives you information about cults and how to minister to them.
Cults — Mormonism (LDS) and Jehovah’s Witnesses
Ron Hutchcraft’s “A Word With You”
Ron Hutchcraft’s “A Word With You”
Lifeline Ministries, Inc. WWW Site
Scripture Memorization Program from Jack Van Impe
The Scripture Memory Connection With links to “Why Memorize Scripture?” and “How to Memorize Scripture”
Memory Verse with ideas to better memorize scripture.
Watch entire books being quoted. (Book of Galatians. Book of James. Book of Ephesians.)
The Words This site offers readers a modern translation of Christ’s word, taken from the New Testament and organized by subject for easy reference, in 20 different languages.
Today’s Promise from Bill Bright
Daily Guideposts Devotionals
Youth Sites
ImageBank.Org.Uk/ – Free image downloads for worship or power point backgrounds. It’s great! Which is not to be confused with ImageBank in the US that takes you to Getty Images. I’ve had bad experiences with them. Stay away. 🙂
Free Sound Effects for download
More clip art and photos – from Stock X Changedownload VIMEO videos using Firefox,
Free Material From Doug Fields (Of Saddleback, Rick Warren) See “Freebies.”
Video Clips such as…
From YouTube That’s My King
Together (Team Hoyt) (4:12) Inspirational: Together, Dick and Rick Hoyt have run in marathons, competed in triathlons and once even trekked 3,700 miles across America. Together, what they have accomplished is simply amazing, even more so when you consider Rick cannot walk or talk.
Real Christians of Genius (1:04) Humor: For the sake of spreading the gospel, the Apostle Paul challenged Christians to relate to others. This video is a humorous reminder for Paul’s charge to share our faith with people in both a relevant and understandable manner.
Never Been Unloved (3:47)
The Last Painting (3:05)
Everywhere (3:20)
Search for these on YouTube or Google Video. Copy the address line. (Alt/D, Control/C.)
Church Videos offers videos for your consideration.
Then paste (Control/V) the link into this Video Download site and choose the format you desire. Save with that extension. The extensions offered might be FLV, AVI, MP4, etc. Then you can convert these with Windows Media Encoder (a free download as well). Or use an online converter called – FileWiggler
To download a YouTube video – First down the YouTube Downloader – Execute the program (install this). Go to YouTube. Search or put in the link you have for YouTube – Example, “One on Praise.” To the right, see the small hyper-link – (more) click it. Copy the URL – Example for the one on Praise. It should paste automatically in the YouTube Downloader. If not, paste it (control/V) Download it, then convert it (I use WMV). It goes great into Power Point.
To download VIMEO videos using Firefox, use Fast Video Download Add-ons for Firefox – Mozilla (Must do so FROM Firefox, NOT Internet Explorer, and it’s not called Foxfire) 🙂
A GREAT one to download videos from the web? Use Ant video downloader for FireFox (add-on)
‘Ant video downloader’
Watch video – Start downloading videos – Download Videos – Right top – See FVD (Fast Video Download)
Download from the majority of video sites! Play the video and see the ‘Download’ button activated.
Still having trouble? Try VSO-Video-Downloader
Other options to download video from the web – KeepVid or try SaveVid
Want to edit the clip? Use YouTube Editor. Another editor to try is Lightworks.
You may also try – tubesucker.com. It will allow you to download and convert as well.
Tangle (Formerly Godtube) Downloader.
How to download YouTube, GodTube, and other videos and use them in Power Point?
- Start with Ministry Helps:https://hecardin.com/ministryhelps/There (here) you will find two needed programs (both are free):
- YouTube Downloader – http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/It will take you to: http://www.download.com/YouTube-Downloader/3000-2071_4-10647340.htmlDownload, then execute.
- The latest – “Real Player” – http://www.real.com/Download, then execute.
- After you have done this, go to your youtube site:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYID9B4ccqQ&feature=related
- A window will pop up (Real Player) after you mouse touches the video playing asking, “Download This Video”?
- Click on the popup.It will place it:C:\Documents and Settings\NAME-OF-YOUR-COMPUTER\My Documents\My Videos\RealPlayer Downloads After it has downloaded, convert it with YouTube downloader.
- Open YouTube downloader.The second option is to “Convert Video.”Choose this option.
- Under the Select Video File, choose the ellipses (. . . )Cause it to default your video folder:(Example: – C:\Documents and Settings\NAME-OF-YOUR-COMPUTER\MyDocuments\My Videos\RealPlayer Downloads)
- Find the video you just downloaded – “Clay.”Under the “Convert to” Tab, choose WMV (if you are going to use this in Power Point).
- Say OK.Choose quality – “High”Say OK. Converting.
- Now the WMV file is ready to use in Power point (not the FLV file).
- If you are doing the work on one computer but playing it on another, copy not only the Power Point but the video as well.
To download GodTube.com one must download the latest – “Real Player” You must install the new version and when prompted “Do you want to download videos you view on the Internet?” Respond – Yes. With this, as your mouse moves over the video, a small option will pop-up from RealPlayer – Download this video. Then convert with the YouTube converter.
Screen It! Music, movies and media. Gives the content, theme, etc. This is great, it will tell you EVERY word that might be considered offensive. It started out free, now there is a charge.
Kids-in-Mind. Instead we assign each film three category-specific, objective ratings on scale of 0 to 10, according to quantity and context: one for SEX & NUDITY, one for VIOLENCE & GORE and another for PROFANITY. Since we make no recommendations, either critical or age-specific, we enable concerned adults to determine whether a film is appropriate for them.
Need Quotes from Movies try this.
Find goofs for movies.
The Rap Dictionary for Youth.
Teen Lingo Dictionary
Teach With Movies Use videos or DVDs in a teaching setting.
Games & Icebreakers
For Logistical Forms Youth ministries require some basic paperwork to help us out. Here’s a few samples of a ministry’s logistical paperwork, applications, policy procedures, etc. NOTE: These are just samples to lead you in the right direction. Please seek legal counsel for all recruiting methods, policies, procedures, etc. Like: Permission Slip, Volunteer Staff Reference Form, Volunteer Staff Application, Volunteer Staff Interview Screening Guide, Fund-raising Form, Staff Guidelines, Student Leadership Applications, Student Leadership Commitment Sheet, Student Leadership Mentor Form, Safety & Accident Policies & Procedures, Abuse & Harassment Policies & Guidelines.
Jonathan’s Movie Clip Page Are you looking for movie clips that will stimulate discussion or illustrate a given point? Then you may find this helpful.
10 Things Your Teen is Reluctant to tell you by Colleen L. Reece
100 Youth Ministry Tips, Time Savers & Tricks of The Trade
BreakPoint originating from the late Chuck Colson.
Camp Workers Hot Tips for Leaders
Campus Strategies Reaching your school for Christ. More ideas, visit – Campus Crusade for Christ
“Center for Parent/Youth Understanding” – Good youth resources from Walt Mueller.
Discovery Series Booklets Check out the topics listed.
HappyFunTime is an improvisational and sketch comedy troupe based out of Minneapolis. They have free downloads of some of their sketch videos online.
George Barna’s Data & Trends with information like: “Americans Describe Their Ideal Church”
Lotsa fun games! This is from the folks behind VeggieTales & Penguins.
Pastor 2 Youth Here’s a great resource with over 800 games for youth and much more.
Ron Hutchcraft’s “A Word With You”
From Parents Magazine – Single Parenting
Christianity Today’s Singles Channel
Josh Harris Online – author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye
Crosswalk.com’s singles channel and columns
What are your youth watching? Check out Top 25 movies for the week
New Release of Videos and DVDs
New York Times Best Seller List
Christian Spotlight on the Movies
What Focus on the Family says about Current Movies
What Focus on the Family says about Current Music
What Focus on the Family says about Current Television Programs
From Billboard Magazine the Top 100 Songs There are more charts to choose.
Top 10 Christian Songs Weekly Hit List
Scripture Memorization Program from Jack Van Impe
Reach Out Ministries Barry St. Clair has written many popular books like Penetrating the Campus, The Magnet Effect, Following Jesus, Spending Time Alone with God, Making Jesus Lord, Giving Away Your Faith, and Influencing Your World. Great for youth and youth workers.
TeamCE – Select the “Free Preview” for materials.
True Love Waits helps youth stay sexually pure.
Sexual Abstinence also helps youth stay sexually pure.
Urban Youth Workers Resource Directory Listing books, videos, magazines, journals, training conferences, and organizations.
Search Youth Specialties Links Type in the text box on the righttop.
Youth Culture Research and Trends – Youth in Crises by Walt Mueller has many interesting articles.
Youth Ministry links from Pastor’s Helper
Youth Ministry Resources for ideas, games, youth speakers, and youth ministry training programs
YouthPastor.Com – Ministry resources, links, games, ministry listings, etc.
Youth Specialties All Categories
Skim through the articles in A Journal for Youth Workers (Magazine)
YWAM (Youth With A Mission)
GodTube – A Christian YouTube
To download a YouTube video – First down the YouTube Downloader – Execute the program (install this). Go to YouTube. Search or put in the link you have for YouTube – Example, “One on Praise.” To the right, see the small hyper-link – (more) click it. Copy the URL – Example for the one on Praise. It should paste automatically in the YouTube Downloader. If not, paste it (control/V) Download it, then convert it (I use WMV). It goes great into Power Point.
In YouTube, another way to download – Find the video you want, then take out the UBE in YouTube, then hit enter. Choose MP3 or WAV for audio only download. Choose MP4 for video (with audio) download.
You can do the same thing by replacing the YOU of YouTube with 000 – (Numbers, not Letters) “000Tube…” Make the same choices (MP3, WAV, MP4, etc.)
Bible Quizes – More Quizes
Youth Ministry Globally (great job Kirk)
Youth can hear what older people can not – Try it
General Facts and Free Stuff!
Need to backup your DVDs? Use DVD Shrink – DVD Shrink is software to backup DVD disks. You can use this software in conjunction with DVD burning software of your choice, to make a backup copy of any DVD video disk. DVD Shrink does not burn DVDs! The output from DVD Shrink is saved as files on your hard drive, which you can then burn to a DVD-R using separate burning software, such as the software provided with your DVD-R drive.
Here’s some FREE DVD burning software called DeepBurner. (Select the DeepBurner Free 1.9 2.67 MB)
Use Skype to communicate with people via the Internet. Register, download the software, it’s free! A high speed connection is recommended as well as a microphone/headset (Wal-mart/$10-20). This will stop the echo if you Skype without the headset. If you have a web cam, with high-speed, you can video conference (one on one). The newer versions allows you to view the other person’s screen (move mouse over their face, click the plus sign, share screen, start).
Blender is a great program that is FREE to allows you to make 3-D graphics. The Ministry Helps graphic was made with Blender. It’s great!
Gimp is also a great FREE program that works much like PhotoShop 7. After you have created a graphic in Blender and saved as a PNG file, open it with Gimp and save it as a GIF with a transparent background.
Collaboration Screen Sharing – Try FuzeBox
(Collaborate – Screen to Screen) Screen2Screen
YOU – Steps: Put in YOUR e-mail address Get Fuze (it’s free) – This Creates Account – (Check your e-mail – Activate Your Account) Sign in with new password – download software – RUN – OK software (several items will ask for permission, yes) – open software (Fuze) – Login (with e-mail address & password) (Allow popups and needed software – download & execute) (Accept EULA) (Allow Vstor30.exe and Vstor***.exe, next, Next – Fuze Outlook plugins Confirm, Next, allow 117***27.msi, Close) Start a meeting – Start new meeting – (Allow Fuze pass Firewall) Start new meeting again – connect – invite attendees (Invite ME) (the other person’s email address and hit ENTER) invite
ME (The other person, me – opens e-mail and puts link in) – open the link – I put my name – Join as Attendee – Join via Browser (Or install app for iPads, sign in, join meeting number and name)
YOU – accept me – click – share my desktop
HINT – You may want to record the phone number and pin for others to call in and listen.
How to RECORD your screen with voice over.
For someone to see YOUR screen … (If you have Windows 7), use “Windows remote assistance” Search on your computer (Contl/Escape) type in search box “Windows remote assistance” Open program – Invite Someone You Trust – Send an e-mail request – Send them the password – At the left top part of the screen, they can request access to RUN your computer
SharedView – Microsoft SharedView is a fast, easy way to share documents and screen views with small groups of friends or coworkers; anytime, anywhere. Use SharedView to put your heads together and collaborate – create, convey, and communicate…across physical boundaries, through firewalls, and down to the smallest details. Shared View may be very helpful to you.
FREE Webinar Software AnyMeeting.com. Free for up to 200 people. (To be able to record, get rid of the adds and more, they offer a paid service.)
The Birdy – Free financial web based software to help you track your spending.
Crown Financial Ministries Financial information, articles, videos and more.
Need to edit RAW files? Try – RawTherapee.com
Create a “Flash” (like a slide show of pictures) by using JetPhoto. It’s free. After downloading and installing, open Jet Photo Studio, Import Pictures, Create & Share, Make Flash Gallery, Makes Flash for the web.
Need to put up Plenty of Pictures on the web? Try picasaweb.google.com
SyncToy is a free program from Microsoft that allows you to back up your hard drive on an external hard drive. It is great to sync data. Once you install the program, you set up folder pairs. The program will let you set up many paired folders. You synchronize all the paired folders within the same window. To get started, open the program and click Create New Folder Pair. Then, specify left and right folders. Depending how you want to set up the synchronization options, this might not matter. SyncToy also has another great feature: a preview. With your folder pair selected, click Preview. You’ll see a list of changes that will occur when you click Run. You can filter the list by operation. For example, you can see files that will be deleted or overwritten. The preview also lets you prevent certain operations from running. Simply deactivate an operation by deselecting Active. If you want the operation to run later, you’ll need to go into the preview and select it. Start by pairing folders on one computer and the thumb drive. Then, pair folders on the thumb drive and the other computer. This will allow pure synchronization, you’ll have the same files on both computers.
Zoho – Word processing on the Net. It’s easy to understand why Microsoft Word is the most popular word-processing program. It offers advanced features that you won’t find in many other programs. But, Word does have its disadvantages. For many people, the price tag puts it out of reach. Other people want a program they can access from anywhere—without toting a laptop. Many also want the ability to store and share documents online. Well, Zoho Writer might just be the answer. This is a free Web-based word-processing program. You can upload documents from Word and OpenOffice. You can store and share your documents with others. For example, you can invite a co-worker to help you work on a document. Zoho Writer also offers advanced features. It may not rival Word. But you’ll probably find all the features you need!
Need to record your screen? Try ScreenToaster
Portable Apps – Now you can carry your favorite computer programs along with all of your bookmarks, settings, email and more with you. Use them on any Windows computer. All without leaving any personal data behind. Only2Clicks allows you to collect your bookmarks on the web. Do you have dead pixels on your screen? Use Kill Dead Pixels to resurrect them. Dead pixels are are stuck on a color. This may help you massage a dead pixel back to life. All you need do is pull an animated square over the dead pixel. Let it sit for an hour to see if it will help you.
Need to improve your typing? Download RapidTyping. This free program will help you learn the easy and fun way.
Take typing speed test and practice typing online with KeyBr.com
BurnAware Free Edition 1.2.8 – BurnAware will help you create audio and video discs. You can also create data discs and erase rewritable media. There’s also a special treat for the truly geeky. BurnAware can handle disc images. Some developers distribute software as a disc image. BurnAware will convert this to a CD that you can use like any other disc!
Consider writing a book? Try Lulu.com that offers “publishing on demand.” Someone orders your book, they print and send it (on demand).
Need the best rates for credit cards, mortgages, CD’s, check Bank Rates.
Tok Box – Free video calling from any website.
Use GoToMeeting so up to 11 may see each others screen and even run someone’s computer. Though it’s $50 a month, it’s great.
Here are some that will allow “Screen to Screen” that are free! Web Huddle – Dim Dim
A great one is Elluminate.com. Set up your own VRoom (up to 3 free), then you can speak and go “Screen to Screen.”
Need to track an aircraft? Use Flight Aware. If it’s a person aircraft, just insert the aircraft tail number. Example, if it is Delta flight number 6354, know the carrier if it is local like Chautauqua. Then insert the code for Chautauqua, CHQ, then the number – Delta 6354 = CHQ6354. Questions? Call 1-800-713-8570
More examples: CHQ = Chautauqua DAL = Delta ASA = Atl South east
Flight Stats – It will give you historic highs and lows for a ticket. Use this to decide whether to book a flight or keep looking. You can check the status of a flight. Or, check a flight’s historical on time rating. And if you’re flying overseas, check travel advisories and warnings. You don’t want to find yourself in the middle of a coup! You can learn the risks involved in certain countries.
Use The Global Incident Map – It’s very interesting! When you click on the web site link below, a world map comes up showing what strange & dangerous things are happening right now in every country in the entire world & is updated every few minutes. You can move the map around, zero in on any one area & actually up-load the story of what is going on. It is amazing when you can see the things that are happening around the world. This ”map” updates every 300 seconds (5 mins)…constantly 24/7/365.
Turn a photo into a sketch drawing by downloading – Fotosketcher. It runs on Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 and the latest Windows 8 and 8.1 (no Mac version available). You may download from CNet.
E-Passport Photo allows you to take a high quality digital picture you may have on your computer, then reformat this into the standard 2″ x 2″ of 2 columns and 3 rows. This makes a 4×6 picture that could be economically printed at places like photo section of CVS pharmacy.
If you are involved in acquiring a higher level of education (of which you are highly commended), here is an excellent example of Turbian of writing and use of citations created by Dr. Terry Cross..
In MLA and others
In APA Format
Need the lowest gas price? Visit Gas Price, MSN Auto, Gas Buddy – GasPriceWatch.com
From your cell, call AT&T’s free information – 1-800-935-5697. You are only charged for your air time. Google has the same – 800 4664 411 or 800 Goog 411. No more information charges. Call – 1 800 FREE 411 (1 800 373 3411). This is great for cell phones that may charge $2 per call. Now, it’s just your air time. With free nights and weekends, it’s a free call!
Can’t find your cell phone? Try WheresMyCellPhone.com
Bringo – Want to talk to a real person? There’s no doubt that technology has improved our lives. For example, it’s easy today to keep in touch with distant friends and family. We tend to take the benefits of technology for granted. But we are often quick to point out the way technology makes life more complicated. Bringo lists more than 100 companies in a variety of categories. All you need to do is find the one you want. Then, enter your phone number. In a few seconds, you’ll get a call back. You’ll talk to someone without wading through the phone tree.
Send text messages to cell phones (no charge to you but text charges may apply to the recipient) using – OhDontForget.Com
Maps and Driving Directions from Mapquest
Maps from Yahoo or Driving Directions from Yahoo
N.A.D.A. Appraisal Guides NADA is great. Do you need to compare prices to buy or sale items? Here you can look up five times per day, per category: Boats; Truck Campers; Motor Homes; Travel Trailers; Park Models; Camping Trailers; Consumer Motorcycle, Snowmobile; ATV & Personal Watercraft Appraisal Guide; Motorcycle & ATV; Snowmobile; Personal Watercraft; Classic Collectible and Special Interest; Car Appraisal Guide 1946 to 1979; Imported Car; Trucks; Official Older Used Car Guide 1980 to 1988 – Consumer Edition; Official Used Car Guide 1989 to 1998 – Consumer Edition
Compare this to the Kelley Blue Book for autos and motorcycles. Unlimited hits available
Also see Edmund’s Information for autos
Service Beacon – Completely free for you to use. Your source for authentic car maintenance schedules and car recall information. A maintenance reminder and recall notification system. A place to store your car’s maintenance records. A way to book service appointments with your car dealership or service shop over the Internet.
Bartleby.com books online like: Roget’s Thesaurus, Henry Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, Robert’s Rules of Order
Create unbelievable panoramas Microsoft’s Image Composite Editor. This free program truly is amazing.
Need to track a flight? You can put the Aircraft Tail Number into FlightAware.com and know where it is in flight.
Need an online To-Do list? Try teuxdeux.com
Add a calendar to your church Web site in less than 10 minutes! Cost – $59.95 per year
Here is another way to create a calendar for your web site
Need to set an alarm while on the Internet? Use the Online Alarm Clock
Create your own timeline of your life
From time to time, I need an online stop watch. It’s also a great countdown clock.
Want to post some pictures on the web? You can do so with www.shutterfly.com/
Want to add more RAM in your computer? Go to www.pny.com and choose desktop, notebook, etc. model number and it will walk you through what you need to do.
Need to determine the value of your computer?
Need some fonts? Use Creamundo for MANY Free Fonts.
Try these free ones. www.deltathree.com – Let me know if you have more.
Use your Cell as the internet connect (network connection) – USB cable at Futuredial.com
Send free faxes via http://faxorama.com/ Send – DOC, DOCX, RTF, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, XLS, XLSX, TXT, PNG, BMP or WPS. Fax 1 document – maximum 5 pages. Maximum 2 free faxes per day
Free faxes? Well, up to 20 a month. After that, they charge. If you have e-mail, but don’t have a fax machine or a fax number, use http://efax.com/. Just keep it under 20 a month. Then hit the: “eFax Free – get a non-local eFax number” button. It was good while it lastest. I stopped using mine.
When I shop on Amazon, I like to take advantage of free shipping for most orders over $35 qualify. Of course, your order might be a dollar or two shy of the minimum. That means your order might be well over $35 after you pay for shipping. In that case, you’ll want to pay a visit to SuperFiller. Just enter the amount you need to spend to make your order an even $35.
Make Google Books COPYABLE – converts them using OCR. It makes PDF’s Copyable.
Hassle-Free PDF Text Extraction. Have a PDF and need it converted to text? This is great.
Try – pdfvue.com
Fill out PDF Forms with FillAnyPDF
Zamzar – File conversions for MANY programs you may not have.
Prim-o-PDF converts files to PDF for free. I use PrimoPDF about everyday.
After you have made the PDFs and need to bind them together, use PDF-Binder.
Convert PDF files to Word
To open DOCX documents in a lower version of MS Word, download the converter.
If you have a scanner, you probably have OCR software. If not, try Free-OCR.com. There is an upload limit of 10 uploads per hour.
Free Electronic Greeting Cards
American Greetings Blue Mountain Arts Hallmark.com Then choose e-cards. “When you care enough to send the very best … e-mail.” 🙂 Wowgreetings.com
Make your own cards – Create your celebration cards (Birthdays, Christmas, etc.)
Other Free stuff
Register for sweepstakes at SweepStakesToday. As of November 25, 2013, there were 655 Sweepstakes totalling $64,625,709! This site lists hundreds of sweepstakes that you can enter.
101 Fabulous Freebies Well worth your time. Great Freebies. These outrageously useful downloads, sites, and services.
unclaimed.org – is a great site if you paid a deposit for electric or gas service then forgot to gather it before you moved. You can find out if you have unclaimed money! The money can come from utility companies, banks, or other places. The site will help you search government agencies that deal with unclaimed property. In a matter of minutes, you could be a little richer!
Free Computer Lessons – Computer Tutor Columns
ASCII Generator – makes words into designs
AOL IM American Online Instant Messaging. Even if you are not the AOL, they still offer Instant Messing to anyone. I use it to stay in touch with friends, family and fellow Christians. Simply hit “Get it now!” Create a screen name, password, download the software, execute/install, add name (List Setup) and you are done. I’m HEC4GOD.
Can’t load AOL IM on a computer, instant messaging anywhere such as friend’s PC or a public computer, use Meebo.
Meebo works with AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger and more. Just use your login name and password as normal, then hit “Sign On” (not sign up).
If you can not send a text message but have a phone, use Jott. You simply call and it sends the text for you. 1 (866) JOTT 123, 1 (866) 568 8123.
Windows Live Messenger (Windows) – Download – Same idea. It’s also free.
To Make MP3s
To split MP3s, use Megax.it MP3 audio editing utility to split an MP3 into multiple files (tracks).
BonkEnc is a CD ripper, audio encoder and converter for various formats. It can produce MP3, MP4/M4A, Ogg Vorbis, AAC, Bonk and FLAC files. BonkEnc is available for free.
Encyclopædia Britannica . Great to look up needed items.
Learn to Do Anything . At this site, enter what you need help with and they will give you instructions.
Download the latest version of WinZip. (Hit – Try Now)
Check your e-mail from anywhere in the world. No need to register. Use Mail2Web.
MailFreezr – Have you ever contributed to a time capsule? I did when I was in elementary school. Everyone in the class placed something in the capsule. At the end of the school year, the capsule was opened. So it wasn’t sealed for long. But it was fun to open it, nonetheless. Now you can do the same with e-mail. Simply enter your e-mail into the form on MailFreezr’s site. Then select how many years you’d like to freeze the message. When the time is up, MailFreezr will deliver the message to the recipient. The site’s creator has promised to maintain the site. And the process is automated. Hopefully, e-mail will still be around!
Mail LARGE files (100 megs) by using – MailBigFile.Com
The FTP website address that you can use for large personal files it is called “yousendit.com“
Need to keep files on the web? Try DropBox.com
drop.io – A virtual drop box. To get started, you need only create a drop, or personal area. You name your Web page and upload your first file. Enter a password, if you want. There’s no registration.
Avvenu.com allows you to share a large file or folder with ease. Grab the documents you forgot. View and share your photos. Listen to your music on the go. With Avvenu you share the stuff on your computer directly with whomever you choose. Only friends you’ve authorized can access and download the files for a period of time you specify.
emailSTRIPPER Let’s say you get a great joke in an e-mail. But it has all those ungodly >’s and the lines are all broken. How can you, in good conscience, pass that on to the kids in your group, or your staff as is? So download this very cool, easy-to-use, and FREE utility called emailSTRIPPER. It’ll take care of those ugly e-mails and restore their original sheen.
Photobucket provides free video and photo sharing.
Have access to Power Point files but you do not have Power Point? Down load the viewer. It will allow you to access the file. PowerPoint Viewer 97 for PowerPoint 97, 2000, and 2002 Users . For more veiwers, visit MicroSoft.
More Bible Maps
Order 250 business cards from free. $10 with free shipping.
TruthOrFiction.com use this to see if something is true or false on the Internet. (No, Procter and Gamble is not sending their profits to Satanism.)
Also, check out Snopes.com to see if it’s an Urban Legend. (No, Madalyn Murray O’Hair is not trying to get religious broadcasting banned from American airwaves. Or “Touched By An Angel.”)
How is your health? See your “Real Age” by answering questions.
How long will you live? LivingTo100 has a Living to 100 Life Expectancy Calculator using the most current and carefully researched medical and scientific data in order to estimate how old …
Free Diet & Weight Loss Journal from FitDay
Here is another – “How old are you?”
Need to calculate how much heat you may need? Try the BTU Calculator.
Need to convert cassettes to CD’s? Use Audacity. You can create MP3s. I sometimes take music and overlay a voice track. You could use the music in the background while you are offering a narration.
Listen to music online
Listen to music online with Pandora
Need to make a quick graph? This is easy. Or, if you have it, use Excell.
Who will you vote for in the next US Presidential election? Try this.
Do you work on your own car? You may want to use Frugal Mechanic to find parts.
Free Worship Software to Download
EasySlide.com – a FREE program that works like Easy Worship. The advantage over OpenSong – it plays videos in the background. Thru trial and error, here’s how I added mine: (Adding-Video) Default tab on left, Media, 3 options, locate video in your video file, Check Repeat box.
OpenSong is a free, open-source software application created to manage lyrics, chords, lead sheets, overheads, computer projection, and more. Download the full application for free and give it a try. If you become a member (also free), you’ll have access to additional downloads, such as additional backgrounds, bible translations, and song packs. (Items equal to this would be $500!)
Here are more songs to add to your Open Song. (MANY Christmas songs.) Just download and copy to: C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR-NAME\My Documents\OpenSong\Songs
Free Bibles to Download
The Classic – Quick Verse 4.0f (Only works on a 32-bit operating system.)
Download e-Sword v5.0 [18.2 MB] The Reina Valera Version, 1602 (Spanish) is also available
You can Download Bible Explorer 4.0 plus over 150 Bibles and reference works; including English Standard Version, King James Version, GOD’s WORD Translation, Greek New Testaments and Matthew Henry Commentary, Barnes Notes on the New Testament, Talking Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Dictionary, absolutely free. New titles are added every week.
FreeBible from FreeBible.com The Reina Valera Version, 1602 (Spanish) is also available
Authorized King James Version (11+ megabytes)
Audio Treasure – the New Testament and Psalms in Mp3 Audio for free download on the Internet.
Try a Free Download of SwordSearcher or buy the Deluxe CD-ROM for $40.
Scripture Memory System 3.3.2 (Windows)
ScriptureMemory 1.01 (Windows) Bible Flash Cards 2.1 (Windows) This interactive tutor teach you each verse word by word QuickVerse 2009 13.0.3 (Windows)
iPhone/iPad Software
Use – PdaNet Use your Smart Phone to connect your notebook computer to the Internet. Use it in your car, traveling up the highway! Anywhere you get a cell signal, you are on the Internet. Make sure you have unlimited data charges with your cellular plan.
Free WiFi in TN (Hit the link for the United States for other areas)
Free hotspots for WiFi from JiWire as well as WiFiFreeSpot.
Think you’d have a hard time letting go of your paper planner (Franklin, etc.), consider the see the PDA vs PAPER comparison. (It’s a Word Document.)
Tunatic: free music identification software. It will help you “Name that tune!”
Free Email Accounts
Web Sites
Make your own FavIcon (small picture or graphic for your web page) – Use – http://favicon.htmlkit.com/favicon/
Make your own web site. It’s not only possible but you may find it even easy to get your Web page hosted for free. Some popular services are:
– http://angelfire.lycos.com/ – FreeServers.com/ – http://wordpress.org/ – https://www.blogger.com/
Check the Web Links you’ve created (This will help you check for dead links.)
I like to use Validator It’s a “Link Checker.”
Create an Online Signature.
Need to upload your changes through an “FTP” process? Use SmartFTP.
Need to build a quick website? Try Blogger.com (It’s great!)
Building Church Websites
This is GREAT and Free Anti-Virus Software. AVG AntiVirus FREE
Is a site safe? Check it out at SiteAdvisor
Is a site safe to purchase from? Check it out at scamadviser.com
Free Anti-Virus Software – Ad-Aware from LavaSoft.
More and other computer items may be found at Kim Commando’s Site. Look over her download site.
For more downloads for your computer, visit – CNET.
Do you need to know your IP address?
Here’s another to find your IP address.
Covenant Eyes – This program removes the secrecy and privacy of using the Internet, promotes self-control and personal discipline, and holds a person accountable in their Internet use by a chosen accountability partner who receives a record of all of the sites visited, including the web addresses and amount of time you were on the Internet. (There is no cost for your Accountability Partner.)
Free Phone Conference offers free phone conference where if you use your cell and have free calls, there would be no charge at all. There can be 96 callers maximum in each conference with no required minimum number. This would be great for a TOWN MEETING. You may have 6 hours per conference, there is no limit on how many hours you conference each month.
Need answers, try Answers.com
Need to find people – Try The White Pages
Pastor’s Resources
Contact your overseer for the information you may need to report to your state/national office. Tithes from ministry related income will need to be sent separately.
Instructions to fold a Church Flag. (For COGOP ministers.)
Taxonomy of Leadership Development from Dr. H. E. Cardin, Raising L.E.A.D.E.R.S. Printable version in a PDF format. In Spanish in Word, PDF.
Looking for pastoral opportunities, check out Church Jobs
Answer 80 questions and discover, are you more of a “Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Evangelist, or Pastor”? Complete this FiveFoldSurvey.com
30 Tips for Starting or Restarting Well As a Pastor by Josh Tandy (13 pages)
Stewardship Ideas:
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has an interesting Stewardship site that may give you ideas. (Contains: Congregational Survey — Sermon Starters, Teaching, Financial Response Method, Fundraising, Stewardship Education and more.)
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship – They offer free resources Luther Seminary Stewardship – They offer Articles, Audio/Videos, Bible Studies, Sermons and more. Do a search at SermonCentral on Stewardship, some 800+ resources will be available (Examples: Sermons: Call To Commitment; The Stewardship Message, An Inconvenience; Managing My Talents God’s Way, and many more.)
Key Statistics on Generous Giving. Great site for tithing and giving with “statistics, news, etc.”
Resource Material from the Church of God Go to Resource Center.
21st Century Giving: 10 Reasons to Consider Going Online
Excellent resources for pastors from Bible.Org
U.S. Census Bureau – To see your surrounding demographics.
Check full demographics for your zip code at ZipSkinny.Com
Check out the Best Place and see Cleveland, TN as an example.
See the local demographics from LocalCensus.com
What is the learning style of your congregation? Are they more …Active or Reflective? …Sensing or Intuitive? …Visual or Verbal? …Sequential or global? Take this 44 Question instrument. This will give a background of each of these items. For More.
The best Church Planting Site I have seen.
Good to Great – Church Planting
Learn more about other cultures at EveryCulture.Com
Resources for Church Planting.
Church Planting Resources Table
What Every Church Planter Should Know (41 pages)
Leading Your Church in Church Planting, by J.D. Payne (63 Pages)
55 Questions for Churches Launching New Communications, by Amy Bishop (9 pages)
Church Planting Manual by Pastor John Iuliano
Seven Seasons of Church Planting & Multiplication
Church Planting Manual by James P. Allen, 42 pages
Ethnic Harvest – provides online resources to help North American churches and congregations build and maintain an effective cross-cultural ministry. Find creative ministry ideas, inspiring stories, practical information, a PowerPoint presentation and ethnic-related resources. Access travel tools and free demographics, along with the Bible in 140 languages (online, print and audio). Learn about “Cumbre,” a five-year outreach to Hispanic people in North America and much more. Ethnic Harvest’s vision is “that a rich variety of language-specific and multi-cultural churches will be developed to effectively serve every ethnic group living in North America.” [from Internet for Christians]
5 Barriers to Church Growth By Nelson Searcy
Church Growth – 24 to Double from Dr. Owen Weston
See Josh Hunt’s Church Growth Library
Mennonite Brethren Herald – Great web site for pastors with articles, sermon ideas, the back issues are worth a look.
Josh Hunt Great web site for pastors to pastors on Church Growth, etc. Good book discussions on Warren, Maxwell, etc.
Missiology – Church Planting
Church Planting – Strategies
Learning Styles Questionnaire – Discover what learning style you and others you minister to have. (Answer 44 questions.)
You will also find a description of the different styles. Learning Style Descriptions
Learning Styles Evaluation – This is a different one.
The Parsonage – From Focus on the Family. Also known as ThrivingPastor.org
Neil Chadwick – Sermons, notes, letters, very helpful.
The Personality Types – Compared. D.E.S.A., Hippocrates, Biblical Characters, Gary Smalley, DiSC, Children’s Litcerature, Charlie Brown Characters
Personality – Test
Take the Myer/Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a personality test designed to assist a person in identifying some significant personal preferences. There are 16 unique personality types. For more see the overview.
Links for Pastors and Church Leaders from Zondervan Publishing House Academic, – Has many other links that are helpful
Links for Pastors and Christian Leaders
Resources for Pastors / Lay Leaders / Congregations
Encouragement for Small Church Ministries
Cutting Edge – A Church Planting Newsletter
Team Ministry/Church Growth Institute Spiritual Gifts Inventory This is from Elmer Towns people, I like it also. It has 108 questions.
Finding Your Place In Ministry – An Online Spiritual Gifts Inventory
Gifted2Serve inventory! It’s on online version. (Answer 125 questions.)
Online Spiritual Gifts test from MinistryTools
The Online – SPIRITUAL GIFTS INVENTORY – Gives you only one answer
Online Spiritual Gift Inventory
The APEST Test (Apostle • Prophet • Evangelist • Shepherd • Teacher)
From Lifeway
Spiritual Gifts and Personality
Ministry Resources To Help You Discover Your Gifts: The test has 35 questions.
Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tools by LifeWay Staff (Many tools are located here.) Notice the PDFs on the right.
The Keirsey Character Sorter – This is the English by – David M. Keirsey. The Spanish Version and German Version is below under the “Other Languages” section. This will help you study personality types.
Thriving Pastor (Focus on the Family)
“FRIEND DAY” Kit – From DR. ELMER TOWNS – Two basic techniques make Friend Day so successful: 1. Each member brings one friend…no need to confront strangers. 2. The organized, easy-to-do follow up provides a personal touch that will bring back visitors…again and again. Proven to double attendance on Friend Day in most churches, more than double in some. Proper follow-up, maintains remains higher than normal attendance afterwards. Includes: planning checklist, follow-up plan lessons and suggested sermons, four audio cassettes with instruction and lessons from How to Reach Your Friends for Christ, and promotional material. Price $99.95; Item Nbr 501; To Order call 1-800-553-GROW (4769); Also, ask about a similar item from “F.R.A.N.TASTIC DAYS” at the same site and number. It’s $89.95. Also known as FRAN-gelism.
Read these Elmer Towns – Hit the “Books Online” Tab. 10 of Today’s Innovative Churches; 10 Largest Sunday Schools; 10 Sunday Schools that Dared to Change; 154 Steps Revitalize Your Sunday School; Getting a Church Started (student manual); History of Religious Educators; Is the Day of the Denomination Dead; Say It Faith; Stepping Out on Faith; Successful Biblical Youth Work; Successful Christian Life; Successful Ministry to the Retarded; The Single Adult and the Church. (Hit the Books Online button at the bottom of the page.)
Read Books Online by John Piper – Book List: Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce; Counted Righteous in Christ; The Dangerous Duty of Delight; The Glorified God and the Satisfied Soul; Desiring God; Don’t Waste Your Life; Future Grace; A God-Entranced Vision of All Things – The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards; God’s Passion for His Glory; Living the Vision of Jonathan Edwards; A Godward Life; A Hunger for God – Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer; Life as a Vapor; The Passion of Jesus Christ – Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die; Pierced by the Word; The Pleasures of God; Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood; Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ; What Jesus Demands from the World; What’s The Difference? – Manhood and Womanhood Defined According to the Bible; When I Don’t Desire God; When the Darkness Will Not Lift; Purchase When the Darkness Will Not Lift
Read Foxes Book of Martyrs in a pdf format.
Free Download – In His Steps – Subtitle What would Jesus Do?
The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray
Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray
The Two Covenants by Andrew Murray
Library of Online Evangelical Christian Books (61 contemporary Christian books) you can read online.
MANY books online from authors like Charles G. Finney, John Wesley, John Bunyan, with titles like Foxes Book of Martyrs
John Maxwell’s Leadership Now.
More Clergy Appreciation Month
Guide to Clergy Appreciation Month – Focus on the Family [PDF]
Annie’s Clergy Appreciation Day
Clergy Appreciation Month from John Mark Ministries
Pastors’ Appreciation Month Ideas for Church Members From PastorsWife.com
Need mission Stats? Try the CIA
Christian Financial Concepts – the late Larry Burkett
pastors.com – This is Pastor Rick Warren from Saddleback. Most items are offered at a cost that can be purchased online.
Fourteen Reasons Why The Sunday School Has Declined, then Fourteen Reasons Why The Sunday School Could Grow In The Coming Years. It’s from Keith Drury
Teacher Training – PDF Teacher Training Plan, Resources & Ideas Teacher Training Manual for the Christian Education – A Dissertation Effective Bible Teaching Ideas How to Teach the Bible in the Holy Spirit Teacher Training Ideas How to Study and Teach the Bible By: Elmer L. Towns
Center for Biblical Counseling (American Association of Christian Counselors)
Sample of documentation for using a “Housing Allowance.”
ChurchStaffing.com is a site that allows you to look at ministry opportunities or make your known to others. They also do a Monday Church help newsletter
Wedding Planning Guide – Great for samples, etc.
Outreach is a leading provider of church communication and outreach tools. We exist to help you reach more people for Christ – call us to learn more about reaching your community 1-800-991-6011. Request the free demographics they offer.
Altar Workers Bookmarks. It’s in a Word Document format. It’s designed for an 8 ½ X 11″ card stock. Then it will be cut to make four bookmarks. I use the opposite side to place a reduced schedule for the event. I designed this years ago.
Altar Workers Guide. This is in a Word Document format. It’s a guide that walks you through praying with someone who may need Salvation, Sanctification, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, etc. (This was scanned.)
Closing the Net. This is also a scanned item that was first printed out of our International Office of the COGOP.
The Pastor’s Dilemma (The Challenge)
Check out pastoral helps from Focus on the Family also known as Parsonage.org. Consider some of their resources. They also offer material to Honor Your Pastor!
These two sites offer free software to churches up to 100 contact entries. After that it is a minimal one time fee, but you do not pay until you exceed the100 contacts. So for smaller churches looking for away to stay organized or use a database to keep up with information these two sites may come in handy.
Conflict Resolution Material (Conflict Management)
What is your conflict resolution style? Take this 3 minute test to see which of the five major responses best describe you – Conflict Style Test
Conflict Resolution Style – answer – see your style – PDF, another PDF
What Is Your Conflict Resolution Animal? (Answer 15 questions)
Conflict Resolution from MindTools.com
Four Key Conflict Resolution Skills
8 Steps For Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution Lesson Plans
How to Keep From Getting Hurt in a Church By Dr. Dale A. Robbins
Top 10 Predictable Times for Conflict in the Church
When is the church more likely to experience conflict?
Conflict Resolution For Churches by Dr. Neil Chadwick
The Slippery Slope – Staying on Top of Conflict
Peacemaker Ministries (See resources on the upper left)
Biblical Solutions for Ministering to Difficult People Ministering to Diverse, Distant, and Difficult People by David K. Bernard
10 Surefire Ways to Grow a Conflict
When Church Discipline (Mat. 18:15-17) is Appropriate and When It’s Not!
Articles below are located – www.resolvechurchconflict.com/
– Church Leadership and the Pharisaic Syndrome April 2007
– Identity Conflict: Best Not to Go There February 2007
– Conflict in My Church? Can’t Be (Part 2 of 2) December 2006
– Conflict in My Church? Can’t Be! (Part 1 of 2) October 2006
– Church Conflict: Often More Than Meets the Eye August 2006
– The New Testament is Clear: Struggling with the Divine Mandate June 2006
– Should Seminaries Do More to Help Pastors Prepare for Church Conflict? March 2006
– The Escalating Stages of Church Conflict December 2005
– Church Conflict and the Lesson from a Pocket Watch October 2005
– If Mat. 18 is Not Applicable for Every Conflict, What is a Church to Do? (Part 2 of 2) August 2005
– When Church Discipline is Appropriate and When It is NOT! (Part 1 of 2) June 2005
– Provides a needed clarification on Matthew 18:15f., the most widely misapplied passage on church conflict.
– Before You Say, “Your Fired,” or Get Hired April 2005
– How to Select a Competent Church Mediator February 2005
– The Escalating Stages of Unresolved Church Conflict (Part 3)
– Conflict? Ask Ken: The Escalating Stages of Unresolved Church Conflict (Part 2)
– Conflict – Ask Ken: The Escalating Stages of Unresolved Church Conflict
– Conflict – Ask Ken: Lets Boycott the Service
– Conflict – Ask Ken: Runaway Congregational Conflict and Why We Should Solve It (Part 1-4)
– Conflict – Ask Ken: Why Does Church Conflict End as Badly as it Does
– Conflict – Ask Ken: Five Frequently Asked Questions
– Conflict – Ask Ken: Servant Leadership, Church Conflict, and the Hermeneutical Circle
– Conflict – Ask Ken: Tips On Church Conflict Resolution – Conflict
– Ask Ken: Does Forgiving Unrepentant Sinners Promote Sin
Again, Articles above are located – www.resolvechurchconflict.com/
Baptist – Conflict Resolution from the Canadian Baptist
Prepare Today for Tomorrow’s Conflicts by David Noble
How to Pastor Difficult People by Richard D. Dobbins
Learning to Relate to Difficult People by Doug Goins (PDF)
Tools to Use to Help in Conflict Resolution
Understanding Personality Types
Understanding Situational Leadership Styles
Understanding the Johari Window
Spiritual Growth Begins with Discomfort by Rick Howerton
10 Ways to Equip Church Members for Service by Wayne Poling
8-Step Strategy to Spiritual Growth by Richard E. Dodge
Making Disciples Jesus’ Way by Richard Dodge
7 Steps to Spiritual Growth by Richard E. Dodge
Focus on the Family offers these Pastor To Pastor audio files. http://thrivingpastor.org/category/pastor-to-pastor/
Pastor2Pastor-The Art of Discipleship MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Balancing-Act MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Boundaries for the Pastor’s Wife MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Burnout MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Conflict MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Difficult Issues
Pastor2Pastor-Dysfunctional Marriage MP3
Pastor2Pastor-The Fragmented Church MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Healthy Boundaries MP3
Pastor2Pastor-The Healthy Church MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Healthy Lifestyles
Pastor2Pastor-The Healthy Pastor MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Keeping Your Spirits Up MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Legacy MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Living With Your Past MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Media Discernment MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Mentoring Men MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Nagging Doubts MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Parenting Difficult Kids MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Parenting Stages MP3
Pastor2Pastor-The Power of Story MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Restoration MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Sexual Addiction MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Spiritual Awakening MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Storms of Ministry MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Suffering MP3
Pastor2Pastor-Transitions in a Pastor’s Life MP3
Personal Evangelism
Seven Principles Of Personal Evangelism (John 4:1-26)
Witnessing – Personal Evangelism 101
Handbook of Personal Evangelism by Dr. A. Ray Stanford
Links from Robert Coleman
Zimmermann, Max E., Soul Winner’s Guide (Apple Valley, CA: Immanuel Mission, 1980). This is a great that addresses 41 arguments or points of interest in evangelism. It is very inexpensive but great content. For mentoring helps, consider Clinton and Stanley’s, Connecting. One of the best books on the subject of mentoring. It was formerly called The Mentor’s Handbook. Mentoring—An Informal Training Model Robert Clinton (Bobby) has written a 209 page article on Mentoring (great!) Personal Evangelism, Joe Cannon (PDF Download) A Study In Personal Evangelism, Gene Taylor (PDF Download) How to Book on Personal Evangelism, R. Larry Moyer (PDF Download) Evangelism Made Personal, Mark A. Copeland , Mark A. Copeland “>(PDF Download) An Alarm to the Unconverted, Joseph Alleine (PDF Download) (From http://ntslibrary.com/evangelism-books.htm)
Tips for Sharing Jesus Without Getting Tongue-Tied by Will McRaney Jr. 7 Habits of Highly Effective Soul-Winners by LifeWay.com Staff
Pastor’s Wives Resources
Just Between Us (For ministry wives)
Sarah’s Tent (good site)
RECOMMENDED BOOKS AND ARTICLES FOR PASTOR’S WIVES – Wives: The Walking Wounded – Mary LaGrand Bouma (Leadership Journal, Winter Quarter); As A Participant In The Redemptive Ministry Of Her Husband – Weptanomah W. Carter (Ministry of Books, Baltimore MD); Boundaries – Henry Cloud and John Townsend; Counsel for Pastors’ Wives, Diane Landberg, Zondervan, 1988; For Such A Time As This – Weptanomah W. Carter (Gateway Press Inc., Baltimore, MD); Heart to Heart with Pastors’ Wives, ed Lynne Dugan, Regal Books, 1994; High Call, High Privilege – Gail MacDonald (Living Books, Tyndale House Publishers); How to Care for the Whole World and Still Take Care of Yourself – Peg Rankin; I’m More than the Pastor’s Wife, Lorna Dobson, Zondervan, 1995; Private Lives of Pastors’ Wives, Ruth A. Tucker, Zondervan, 1988; Renewal on the Run, Jill Briscoe, Harold Shaw, 1992; Something In Common – Insights From A Minister’s Wife – Weptanomah W. Carter (Gateway Press Inc., Baltimore, MD); The Five Love Languages – Gary Chapman – Northfield Publishing, Chicago, Illinois; The Guilt-Free Book for Pastors’ Wives, Ruth Senter, Victor Books, 1990; The Circuit Rider’s Wife – Corra Harris – Bristol, Wilmore, Kentucky; The Black Minister’s Wife ; There’s a Snake in My Garden – Jill Briscoe; What Happens When Women Pray – Evelyn Christiansen; Women Of Destiny – Cindy Jacobs (Regal, Gospel Light)
What Pastors’ Wives Wish Their Churches Knew, (Part 1 of 2) Christianity Today
Great articles for those Married to the Pastor – from Focus on the Family
What Pastors’ Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Them
HEC’s Music Chart, Chord and Transposition Page
Can’t play a song in “that” key? Want to transpose it to “G?”
Try copying the song/chords and pasting it on This TRANSPOSING Page. (It’s really amazing how it works.)
HigherPraise.com has chords, lyrics, and more.
Great free lessons from Running Dogs Music
Check out – MusicMoose.org for lessons, items to purchase, etc.
WorshipSong for words and chords.
More words and you can hear the songs.
If you need to tune your guitar, try this Guitar Tuner
Here is Another Guitar Tuner
Another Tuner
Another Tuner
Fender Tuner
Guitar Tabs from TabCrawler.Com
2,200 Christian hymns and Gospel songs – You’ll find lyrics, scores, MIDI files, pictures, history, and more. This worship and teaching resource.
The Worship Archive – It goes from A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P S T U W Y – All
Christian songs with chords – Look up the songs by the title (Choose the initial).
Jars of Christian Guitar Tabs – A large archive of Christian guitar and bass tabs.
Christian Alternative Guitar Archives – (Choose the initial of the group/person’s last name).
Christian Guitar Music-Praise and Worship Page (Choose the initial of the group/person’s last name).
Here are new songs you can listen to, see the chords, words, etc. Psalms Christian Music Directory
If some of the chords are challenging, or you need to learn some new chords, try these Chord Charts
Hey Song writers, try this – WriteExpress Online Rhyming Dictionary
Christian Copyright Licensing Inc. (CCLI) 1-800-234-2446.
Motion Picture Licensing Corporation (MPLC) If you show videos in church, you might want to use this. Hollywood motion picture studios and independent producers to grant Umbrella Licenses to non-profit groups, businesses and government organizations for the public performances of home videocassettes and videodiscs.
Banjo Tuner
Would you like to hear and play along with some banjo tunes? Try these Banjo Tunes like “Jesus Hold My Hand” in G.
More Banjo Midi Tunes .
Here are more Banjo Links.
A Great Banjo Site
Great free lessons from BluegrassBooksOnline.com
Tuner for your Mandolin
Tuner from 8Notes.Com
Tuning a Mandolin from You Tube. (Another Tuning from You Tube)
Mandolin Tuner Another Tuner
Many Mandolin lessons from You Tube.
Blackberry Blossom Bluegrass Mandolin Lesson
Great free lessons from BluegrassBooksOnline.com
Learning a Major Scale on the Mandolin from You Tube.
Learning basic chords for the Mandolin.
Learn to play the piano with Zebra Keys.
Search for songs with your voice with MidoMi.com
Children’s Ministries Resource from Calvary Chapel
Children’s Bible Study Using Flash Player, Children’s Bible Stories are shared. Interesting scientific facts related to Bible characters, places, and events.
Adventures in Odyssey from Focus on the Family
For more on Side Walk Sunday School ideas, check this site out for truck conversions, etc. Pastor2Pastor-Parenting Difficult Kids http://thrivingpastor.org/parenting-difficult-kids/ http://media.focusonthefamily.com/pastoral/p2p/p2p109/p2p-109-complete.mp3 Pastor2Pastor-Parenting Stages http://thrivingpastor.org/parenting-stages/ http://media.focusonthefamily.com/pastoral/p2p/p2p091/p2p-091-complete.mp3
Men’s Ministry
Official PK Web Site: Home Page
Women’s Ministry
ReviveOurHearts with printable downloads.
Crosswalk.com – Women’s Links IndexRunning Dogs Music
Today’s Christian Woman (Magazine)
Episcopal Women’s Organization
Organization Is to Support Clergy Women Through Encouragement – http://www.wimsgroup.org/
Pastor2Pastor-Parenting Difficult Kids http://thrivingpastor.org/parenting-difficult-kids/ http://media.focusonthefamily.com/pastoral/p2p/p2p109/p2p-109-complete.mp3 Pastor2Pastor-Parenting Stages http://thrivingpastor.org/parenting-stages/
House Hunting? Have an MLS number? Look it up and get the facts. Select the MLS tag.
CuteBabyNames.org has baby names, origins, and meanings. (20,000 names)
Plan a family vacation by searching MANY travel sites in one place with I-Go-U-Go
Packing for your trip and you want to make sure that you don’t forget anything? Try PackWhiz.com
Need to get close in front of the “fake fire” on your computer? Try FauxFire.com HotPads – You can list your house on a site like HotPads for free. This will help you get the word out to potential buyers. You’ll have a better chance of getting the right price. Of course, these sites aren’t just for sellers. Buyers will find a lot to like about HotPads, too. You can search for homes for sale. You will also find apartments for rent. You can narrow searches based on the number of bedrooms. Or, search by monthly payment. You can adjust the payment based on mortgage variables. All of the listings are placed on an easy-to-use map. That means you’ll know exactly where a house is located!
Need to see if offenders live by? Visit FamlyWatchDog.
Block Google from giving directions to your home. If you want to BLOCK Google from divulging your private information, simply click on the telephone icon or the “Phone results” link next to your phone number. Removal takes 48-hours. After typing into to Google your 10 digit phone number (including area code), next to it you will see – Yahoo! Maps MapQuest. This will allow anyone directions to your home.
Having a baby? Need Baby Names? These are the most popular.
Dr. Gary Chapman’s Facebook Page
The Five Love Languages from Gary Chapman. Work sheets, video clips. If you like 5 Love Languages, you will appreciate this site. Take the quick assessment at the bottom of the above link.
Chuck Snyder offers great information concerning marriage. Check out his archives.
Moving? Power Tools for Relocation
Family Ministries Online Marriage info from Catholics
Dr. Dobson’s Monthly Newsletters
Family Resources from Focus on the Family.
Screen It! Music, movies and media. Gives the content, theme, etc. Helps for Parents. (This is great, it will tell you EVERY word that might be considered offensive.)
Kids-in-Mind – Instead we assign each film three category-specific, objective ratings on a scale of 0 to 10, according to quantity and context: one for SEX & NUDITY, one for VIOLENCE & GORE and another for PROFANITY. Since we make no recommendations, either critical or age-specific, we enable concerned adults to determine whether a film is appropriate for them.
Need help with homework?
Help from Chatterbees Homework
Need help learning math? Try Online Math Tutor
“Want to search your genealogy?”
Ancestry.com Genealogy from the US Gov.
Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
If you need to search immigrants visit the site – EllisIsland
Research Room News and Events It’s a Government Site. It will give you some first steps – Getting Started – First Steps
Financial Matters in the Family
The Salary Calculator relocation, cost of living, real estate. How much more (less) will it cost?
Cost of living calculators – The Consumer price Index is commonly called the “Cost of Living” index and widely used as the “rate of inflation” is developed and managed by the US Department of Labor. Information about how the CPI is determined, its application to various aspects of the economy, and calculators to measure the CPI are available at the Labor website.
Per Diem Rates and other US Government policy documents promulgated through GSA can be found at their web site:
Crown’s Online Budget Guide Figure Your Net Worth from CNN Basic Compound Interest Calculator Day Care Calculator How much you’ll spend on childcare from BabyCenter Should My Spouse Work Too? Calculator Simple Savings Calculator Real Hourly Wage Calculator – So your boss told you that you were getting paid $10 an hour? Don’t believe it! This calculator will show you how much you’re REALLY profiting (after-tax, after work-related-expense take-home) from each hour you devote to working — both paid and unpaid. Prepayment Mortgage Reduction Rent Vs. Buy A Home – Use this calculator to determine whether it is a better financial decision to rent or to own a home. Before you use this calculator for the first time, please read the instructions below. Tips on Stretching Money
Need help with home repairs? Use Home Advisor to acquire a quote.
The Five Love Languages from Gary Chapman. Work sheets, video clips. If you like 5 Love Languages, you will appreciate this site. Take the quick assessment at the bottom of the above link.
Chuck Snyder offers great information concerning marriage. Check out his archives.
Marriage Resources suggested by the Catholic Church
Marriage Material From James Stone
Pastor2Pastor-Dysfunctional Marriage
Divorce Recovery
“Divorce” resources from the Catholic Church Family Ministries
The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus – by William Lane Craig.
Easter Animations See the crucifixion, the Resurrection, etc.
JAMA – This is a reprint from The Journal of the American Medical Association, March 21, 1986, Volume 256. Great pictures of the crucifixion from the vantage point of a physician. Here is the JAMA article in a different way. All on one page. This may be preferred. A Study On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ BY William D. Edwards, MD; Wesley J. Gabel, MDiv; Floyd E. Hosmer, MS, AMI
Easter Ideas This would be great for dramas at Easter. Listen to these twelve characters.
Easter Resources from BibleGateway.com
Resources from Easter Ideas from Christianity Today
Max Lucado – Easter
Words and Chords for Christmas Carols
Tabs and Words for Christmas Carols
MIDI Files of Christmas Carols With words.
Halloween Ideas
Use Halloween as an outreach at HalloweenOutreach.com
Search Sermon Central for Halloween Sermon Ideas (Type Halloween under “Key Word”)
Christian Artists
Amy Grant Audio Adrenaline Warren Barfield Benson Music – Russ Taff, Natalie Grant, 4 Him, Bob Carlisle Carman Ministries CCM (Contemporary Christian Magazine) Steven Curtis Chapman Clay Crosse Dove Awards Essential Records – Third Day, Jars of Clay, Eric Champion, FFH Gaither Music – Bill and Gloria Gaither, Gaither Vocal Band, Southern Gospel Favorites Gotee Records – Out of Eden, GRITS, Katinas, Sonic Flood, Knowdaverbs, Temple Yard Jaci Velasquez Jars of Clay Phil Keaggy Margaret Becker Mark Lowry WordWorship.Com – Jaci Velasquez, Amy Grant, Anointed, Bryan Duncan Newsboys Erin O’Donnell Rocketown Records – Chris Rice, Wilshire, Ginny Owens, Watermark Rebecca St James Michael W Smith Tooth and Nail Records Ghoti Hook, Morella’s Forest, Stavesacre Way FM radio- Nashville’s premier Christian hit radio – Hear it online!
Church International Offices
AGOL – Assemblies of God Online (Assembly of God – USA)
Church of God International Offices, Cleveland, TN
International Pentecostal Holiness Church
Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America
Pentecostal Charismatic Theological Inquiry International
Subscribing to Free E-mail Subscriptions
You may want to consider the following e-mail services. They provide free information and helpful updates that could be useful. Here are a few to consider.
Charisma News Service Update A Daily News Update from the editors of Charisma magazine. To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE please visit http://www.charismanews.com. Chicken Soup for the Soul – To subscribe: http://www.chickensoup.com/ Spirit Led Woman Magazine sends a weekly devotion for women. You can subscribe at http://www.spiritledwoman.com. At the bottom, choose subscribe or unsubscribe with your e-mail address. Youth Specialties – Youth Ministry updates. Personally, I created an address so as not to clutter my standard e-mail address. It’s all sent to the address [email protected] – This is only used for devotions, updates, etc. I might not check this everyday. You can create another e-mail address free at www.hotmail.com and use it for different reasons.
Periodicals (Christian)
Here are some newspapers and services that sift through the news for you. http://www.drudgereport.com/
Media Email Addresses from across the globe.
Newspapers from across the globe and every city in the US you can imagine. It’s great.
Christian News Network
Campus Life You can search past issues.
CCM Contemporary Christian Magazine
Search through the Discipleship Journal archives
Group Publishing Containing Group Magazine, Children’s Ministry Magazine, and Vital Ministry
Guide to Christian Literature on the Internet
Search JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association.
Mennonite Brethren Herald – Worth looking at back issues.
Plugged In Reviews Film, Music and Television.
The Purposeful Singleness Monthly
Today’s Christian Woman (Magazine)
Other Top Magazines:
Morph a Picture. Take a picture and “morph” the faces that might be considered as something “funny.”
For Fun, What Religion Are You? Take the Belief-o-Matic quiz.
Dialectized – How about a translator that will translate into: Redneck; Jive; Elmer Fudd; Swedish Chef; Moron; or Pig Latin. It’s funny.
Use the Hieroglyphs Translator – Could be used to create a code. 🙂
This is True by Randy Cassingham
Youth Specialties Free Resources
Sodaplay A Game? Or just fun? Try it.
Willie P Richardson. Sample Willie’s comedy, it’s clean and funny.
Anagram Did you know that rearranging the letters of “George Bush” gives “He bugs Gore” and “William Shakespeare”, “I am a weakish speller”??! Have fun.
LarkNews.com – is the Fake News about Christian Issues Christianity Today said, “Christian Satirical Website a Blessing to Some, ‘Sick Joke’ to Others
Games – Classic 80’s Games (Pacman, Simon, Space Invaders)
Try this for Imagination
Play PacMan
Play Tetris
Even more Games
And More
Play Chess
Play MANY Arcade Games
Try GamesForTheBrain
Play the Many Games
Are You a Yankee or a Rebel?
For Stupid Videos, check these out.
Place the US States in their proper areas. This is a third grade test.
What does your phone number spell?
AHAJokes – Thousands of clean jokes, funny pictures, cartoons, funny audio, funny videos, and more.
Golf Trivia Quiz: Try this game and see how you score.
Check out funnies from the Freeman Institute
This is a great puzzle
Shooting Sheep How fast do you type? Try Type Racer for fun. It will let you know how fast (or slow) you are typing. Create your own cartoon with Go Animate.
Order Christian Materials
White Wing Publishing House Or, call: 1-800-221-5027
White Wing Book Store Or, call: 1-800-221-5027
Some of My Favorite Search Engines
Google.com It searches MANY web sites! I use this one first.
Ask Jeeves (Ask any question and it will search.) I also use this one a great deal.
Yahoo! DogPile (It searches many search engines.) Many search engines Choose the best search for your information need.
Great Bookmarks Created by Les Herod
Here are some of the favorites of Billy Broach
Make your bookmarks via the web from Del.icio.us – all your bookmarks in one place.
Top 100 Links from Baptist Top 100
Other good Christian Bookmarks
Broken links? Problems? Questions? Comments? E-mail me H. E. CardinDisclaimer:
Ministry Helps simply offers some of the better links to Internet sites which I think you will find informative and useful. I assume no responsible for the content, accuracy, or reliability of Internet sites not created by myself. Some sites are Christian, others are not. I have tried to select sites I believe are educationally useful and not objectionable. All links to other Internet resources are provided for informational purposes, and do not imply endorsement by me. God bless, HEC
Please report broken links to: [email protected]
Questions? Contact Dr. H. E. Cardin
E-mail: [email protected]
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I appreciate all the hardwork you have done to help others on this site… You are Awesome.. I spreaded this link on Facebook this morning.. Thanks again..
I don’t have a web page right now.