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Knowing the Truth About Jesus the Messiah – John Ankerberg, John Weldon
Book Description – Is Jesus the True Messiah? Jesus of Nazareth changed the world. He is the subject of more books, plays, poetry, films and worship than any man in history. But is He more than just a man? Citing specific facts and probability statistics, the authors conclusively show: Unassailable, prophetic proof that Jesus is the Messiah; Biblical evidence confirming Jesus’ supreme authority; Specific confirmation of the Bible’s accuracy in prophecy. Knowing the Truth About Jesus the Messiah offers you ready access to proof that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
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“The kind of obedience that glorifies God is free and joyful, not constrained and cowering. Even when the cost is supreme, the joy is triumphant, because the cause of Jesus cannot fail” (p. 27).
The four Gospels are filled with demands from Jesus. These demands are Jesus’ way of showing us who he is and what he expects of us. They are not harsh demands originating from a selfish desire to control, but rather loving directions for our good and ultimate satisfaction. In fact, what Jesus demands from the world can be summed up as: “Trust and treasure me above all.” This is good news!
In What Jesus Demands from the World, John Piper looks at the demands of Jesus as found in the four Gospels. He begins with an introduction that puts the demands in a redemptive-historical context, then engages in a concise examination of each. The result is an accessible introduction for thoughtful inquirers and new believers, as well as a refreshing reminder for more mature believers of God’s plan for his Son’s glory and our good. Now available in paperback.
Hardcover 2006; Paperback 2011 Crossway Books (Wheaton, Illinois)
John Piper – What Jesus Demands from the World – 395 Pages
John Piper – What Jesus Demands from the World – Study Guide – 14 Pages
Does prayer make any difference? Does it really change anything? Yes, says Dr. R. C. Sproul in this Crucial Questions booklet. Though we cannot hope that our prayers will change God’s mind, prevailing upon Him to act against His will, we can be sure that prayer does change things—including our own hearts. Plus, it is one of the chief means by which God carries out His will in the world.
For these reasons, Dr. Sproul argues, prayer has a vital place in the life of the Christian. In short chapters packed with practical wisdom, he unveils the purpose, the pattern, the practice, the prohibitions, and the power of prayer, calling Christians to come before God’s presence with joy and hope.
Free Collection of Microsoft eBooks ,
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Free e-Book, Coping with Anger (PDF) From Focus on the Family (14 pages)_______________________________________________________________________________________
649 Leadership Quotes by Brian Dodd
Free eBooks!
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- eBook Formatting (28 Page) eBook (Link)
- eBook Authoring (31 Page) eBook (Link)
- Disciples Who Make Disciples (114 Pages) eBook (Link)
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- SermonCraft (117 pages)
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http://www.covenanteyes.com/resources/download-more-than-single/ - 455 Leadership Quotes by Brian Dodd http://gallery.mailchimp.com/8cf82b4fe8b977ced00f17537/files/455_Leadership_Quotes.pdf
- “Child Abuse: The Dangers of Delayed Reporting”
(27 pages by Richard R. Hammar) - Leading Your Church in Church Planting, by J.D. Payne (63 Pages) http://www.jdpayne.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Leading-Your-Church-In-Church-Planting-E-book_FINAL1.pdf
- The Art of Discerning God’s Will by Rick James
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- 30 Tips for Starting or Restarting Well As a Pastor by Josh Tandy (13 pages) http://rookiepastor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/The-Rookie-Pastor-Manifesto.pdf
- Five Systems That Increase Giving (13 pages)
http://rookiepastor.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/The-Rookie-Pastor-Manifesto.pdf - The 5 Commandments of Church Media and more
More PDF’s & MS Word Files
- Letter for New Church Visitors – MSWord
- Survey for Churches – MSWord
- Six Month Evaluations – MSWord
- Sunday Morning Greeter Volunteer Job Description – MSWord
Free eBook –
Free eBook – The 7-Day Prayer Warrior Experience by Stormie Omartian
The 7-Day Prayer Warrior Experience is a free eBook from bestselling author Stormie Omartian, developed using excerpts from Prayer Warrior and Prayer Warrior Prayer and Study Guide.
Are you equipped for spiritual battle? Take the next seven days to “put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). Join Stormie as she explains the pieces of armor, what they mean, and how they can help you be a prayer warrior in your spiritual battle. With devotional thoughts, suggested prayers, ways to dig deeper, and opportunities to connect with Stormie and a whole community of prayer warriors, The 7-Day Prayer Warrior Experience will empower you with the truth that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).
(Fresh Goodies.)
The tabs above:
- Ministry Helps – Contains the BEST of the Internet I’m glad to share.
- Raising L.E.A.D.E.R.S. – this taxonomy (lesson/message/steps and stages) explains “meet-ing” people to “street-ing” people (Leadership Development) from Dr. C
- Bio – Get to know Dr. C a little better.
Linda Lane’s – http://www.oneyearbibleblog.com
(E-mail me – info@HECardin.com)
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10 Organizational Structures – Hand Out-2014-RTF (RTF, can be opened as text, can be written into it.)
10 Organizational Structures – Hand Out-2014 (PDF, for printing, can not write into it.)
Survey/Information Sheet – PDF, RTF
Leadership and Church Size Dynamics
MJ, JD, WZ, ST, CIMS Videos, More
Greetings Bro. Bubba:
How are you and family doing? Are you living in Cleveland? I use your “Ministry Helps” a good bit. Thanks for sharing so generously with us.
I haven’t been able to communicate as much as I would like but do think of you often. Will you be in Columbus any time soon? If you do have plans to pass this way, let me know in advance. I’m off next week. Gary and I are planning on installing a projector and screen in the church to use for power-point. So, the next time you come by, we will have the ability to allow you to minister is a broader way.
Your Brother and friend,
Hey Brother Cardin,
I had you on my mind and wanted to let you know that we (Hickory Flat Fellowship) are praying for you. God Bless You!
Scott Smith
Bobbie and I certainly enjoyed the time with you t lunch today. Blessings as you continue to pursue the Lord’s will.
Bro. Bubba Cardin, again, thanks so very much for the information on your web site. I use it frequently. Such a blessing.
Enjoyed the service this morning at Rickman Faith life church…
Love having you hear this weekend
Thank you for allowing God to use you last night during the revival at the Oakwood Community Church. The impartation was devine and and timely! I’m looking forward to a closer walk with God as I follow His devine plan for my life and ministry. I’m definitely going to keep the my eyes on the GPS! Be blessed!
Brother thank you for Ministry helps I love just looking through all the things you have used your time too put on here. Love you brother. God is still good.
First time here, the site looks very helpful.
Pastor John Cope: East Nashville COGOP
Thanks Dr. Cardin for taking the time to post all these helps to enrich your fellow saints. Enjoyed being with you in the Kentucky state Convention this weekend. Please add me to this site. Blessings to you.
Your words were encouraging as well as challenging at the ky convention. Nice to see you again, you’re an inspiration.
Great to see you today, Bubba!
Everyone at Avail loves your visits…especially when you bring the banjo!
Thank you for your kindness, Chris. You are a blessed man and like Abraham, you are a great blessing.
Genesis 12:2 … I will bless you, and make to be a blessing…